Friday 25 June 2021

Changes to my study programme

Studying a health career is a great privilege and at the same time a great responsibility because Healthcare is not just treating a disease, it is taking care of a human being and it involves education about prevention and cures. That's why the curriculum of my career starts with basic Biology, Physics, Chemistry and Anatomy, then everything must be geared towards physiological and pathological contexts. It's exciting to witness how this knowledge becomes more useful as time goes by. If it were strictly up to me I'd invest a little more time in every science's branch.

Along with this theoretical teaching, my career requires fine motor development. In order to achieve that, I have hands-on activities to learn technical skills since the first year. I'm pleased that each student has their own simulated space to practice. My faculty has a Haptic 3D-VR trainer, there are not many in Chile. I strongly believe that students should be allowed to use it more often as an additional preparation to face real situations.

Regarding the physical aspects of my faculty, I think that it has an optimal size, the only thing that I'd definitely change about it is its localization. I live far away from it, actually, it takes me too long to get there but as J. Allen said: "There can be no progress, no achievement without sacrifice".

Friday 18 June 2021

Time travel to the past


If I find a time travel machine, a safe one where I can be in one piece and alive after the trip through timeI would probably take that opportunity to travel to the past. 

I would like to go to Europe in the 1750-1820 period, especially to Vienna, "The cradle of Classical Music", to get the chance to enjoy every live concert of my favorite composers, who gave the world some of the greatest music ever composed.

Just dreaming what it'd be like and how it'd feel taking part of those expected new masterpiece's releases in those monumental concert halls as a spectator of their authentic talent and how their creators conduce them, send shivers down to my spine!

Doing some research, I read that every night in Vienna around 10,000 music fans are treated to live classical music, this is just simply unheard of in any other city in the world. What a beautiful culture! Imagine it when the artists were alive.

Of courseI wouldn't go there alone. I must live that experience with my beloved ones! So I would share this unbelievable privilege with my dear family. We'd stay for some years to learn more about the music that comes from those genius minds, to practice the art, and to soak up that atmosphere of creativity.

Saturday 5 June 2021

My future job

                 Step       by       step

Learn about the human constitution, knowing how it works and what keeps us healthy stirred something inside me and 
encouraged me to take the steps that in some way reflect what I would like to do in the future. With the time
 I got convinced that I'd work in something related to the field of healthcare. Here I am now on that road.

See countless individuals with lack of access to healthcare and the low amount of professionals with vocation for what they do made me consider some options were I can contribute in a meaningful way once graduated. If everything goes well and I have the chance I wouldn't like to work in big cities, actually I'd prefer to work in rural zones or as a volunteer abroad. This would be an indoors and outdoors job because it entails traveling long distances to reach those remote regions. It's a challenging job but it would be worth and fulfilling.

I need to be up to date on current medical development. I don't want to stop learning and honing vital and valuable skills so I’m thinking about pursuing a major after graduated from the university. At the moment, I'm torn between 3 specialties but EVERYTHING HAS ITS TIME! Without wanting to pre-empt any stage of my learning I'll focus on living fully in the present.

Friday 28 May 2021

Wild animals and pets

The black sheep 
- and -
the masked bandit

A few years ago my grandmother brought a big box with holes. We were not sure what was inside the box until we heard a "baa". We couldn't believe it! A beautiful and tiny black sheep became my first pet. We prepared milk everyday to feed Ricky. We saw it growing up and how its horns started to appear. 

A few years later my second beloved pet arrived. It had the darkest sable mask in the litter. Dupetto was quite special and different from other ferrets. Its favorite toy was a plastic frog with long arms. It was a privilege to have Ricky and Dupetto in our family, we miss them. Pets should live forever!

Writing about pets brought to my mind a NatGeo's documentary. It showed the sad reality of some animals. Tons of them have lost their natural habitats (destroyed by greedy industries) and others have been abused. Furthermore, it showed some rescue organizations. They help injured animals and save them from extinction. I think these are the only two justified reasons to keep the animals in some zoos.

I want to have a dog and of course, take care of it, not like some people who keep them tied up in a small space or abandoned on the streets. This leak of love makes some dogs get stressed and aggressive making necessary the use of a muzzle.
I like dogs but if I were an animal I would be an eagle because they can fly wherever they want and see the beauty of this world from the sky. 

Friday 14 May 2021

My childhood


"Now my feet won't touch the ground"...this is just a part of the song "Life in technicolor II" but every time I heard it I have memories from my childhood days, to be a little bit more specific I remember when my cousins and I were imitating the marionettes of the song's video. 

I'm an only child but I spent my entire childhood with my cousins, in fact, one of my fondest childhood memories is playing with them in my aunt's garden. That summer day my aunt got a lot of cardboard boxes and we used them to build tunnels and a sort of maze. We played from early in the morning until late at night.

I have another lovely memory, when I was 5 years old my father taught me to ride a bike (a tiny pink bicycle). I remember being so proud of myself because I didn't use training wheels, I must admit my father was an amazing teacher.

Describe my childhood memories as they deserve would require a lot of time, so to summarize, my childhood was a sweet and an amazing life stage.

Friday 30 April 2021

The best concert I've been to

A head full of dreams.


Here I am again, bringing to mind those type of moments "where you remember exactly where you where and what was happening". 
It was the year 2016 when the British band electrified the "Estadio  Nacional" for second time.

From the beginning to the end of the concert, the lasers and fireworks appeared, the big balloons and the colorful confetti were released at the rhythm of the music but the stunning visual show was completed when the Xylobands started to shine producing an experience like nothing else. I strongly believe that everyone went home completely astonished. Until these days I keep one of the big yellow balloons, the Xylobands and the pins obtained at the entrance of the stadium.

One of the most memorable climax of the show was when the band was playing "Adventure Of A Lifetime" and the vocalist started to say "Lets get down, abajo, abajo", so the hundred of human beings that were around the two scenarios crounched (including me) and when the right moment came all the crowd was jumping, singing in unison engaged with that special moment full of energy.

I had a throat pain after the concert but it worth it and I always will be 
deeply grateful to my parents for have such a great taste in music, 
for introducing me to Coldplay when I was really young and 
for made possible enjoy the best live music ever.

Friday 23 April 2021

The best place I've ever been to

Unlike anything else...

"Is this a dream? not this time". The ferry was getting closer with every second. It started as a little dot over the horizon but after some minutes my feet were over that historic "Floating City" and yes, Venice was prettier than I could have ever imagined!

Once in a while my dear family and I think of all the things we did there (2014). We spent a lot of time contemplating the architecture, the statues, the beautiful canals and bridges. All this added to its charming people make this place a special piece of art. 
There's still unforgettable moments in our minds, for example, during our gondola ride there was an opera singer performing "'O sole mio" at the top of his lungs, that created an amazing atmosphere, actually that's what inspired us to create the name of our ferret. 

I recommend this place to everyone without hesitation. The Italian culture is rich in so many ways that I'm totally agree with what Anna Akhmatova said: 

"Italy is a dream that keeps returning for the rest of your life".

Changes to my study programme

Studying a health career is a great privilege and at the same time a great responsibility because Healthcare is not just treating a disease,...