Friday 23 April 2021

The best place I've ever been to

Unlike anything else...

"Is this a dream? not this time". The ferry was getting closer with every second. It started as a little dot over the horizon but after some minutes my feet were over that historic "Floating City" and yes, Venice was prettier than I could have ever imagined!

Once in a while my dear family and I think of all the things we did there (2014). We spent a lot of time contemplating the architecture, the statues, the beautiful canals and bridges. All this added to its charming people make this place a special piece of art. 
There's still unforgettable moments in our minds, for example, during our gondola ride there was an opera singer performing "'O sole mio" at the top of his lungs, that created an amazing atmosphere, actually that's what inspired us to create the name of our ferret. 

I recommend this place to everyone without hesitation. The Italian culture is rich in so many ways that I'm totally agree with what Anna Akhmatova said: 

"Italy is a dream that keeps returning for the rest of your life".


  1. Wow, what a beautiful post. I would love to visit Italia someday.

  2. I loved your post, sounds amazing going to Italy

  3. It seen very beautiful! They say that Venice is very romantic!

  4. It´s an amazing place. I never went there, but I really like to know new cultures and it looks like a wonderful place in your photos


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