Friday 18 June 2021

Time travel to the past


If I find a time travel machine, a safe one where I can be in one piece and alive after the trip through timeI would probably take that opportunity to travel to the past. 

I would like to go to Europe in the 1750-1820 period, especially to Vienna, "The cradle of Classical Music", to get the chance to enjoy every live concert of my favorite composers, who gave the world some of the greatest music ever composed.

Just dreaming what it'd be like and how it'd feel taking part of those expected new masterpiece's releases in those monumental concert halls as a spectator of their authentic talent and how their creators conduce them, send shivers down to my spine!

Doing some research, I read that every night in Vienna around 10,000 music fans are treated to live classical music, this is just simply unheard of in any other city in the world. What a beautiful culture! Imagine it when the artists were alive.

Of courseI wouldn't go there alone. I must live that experience with my beloved ones! So I would share this unbelievable privilege with my dear family. We'd stay for some years to learn more about the music that comes from those genius minds, to practice the art, and to soak up that atmosphere of creativity.


  1. Its a beautiful period, i think that i feel the same as you if i would travel there !

  2. Travel to these periods would be amazing, I would love to see the architecture and culture of that epoch.


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